Monday, February 15, 2010

Single Gal Breaking Out...

Ahhh the love life of a single girl....some days I am so happy and content being single. I can come home to silence. I can do what I want, when I want. I can be super messy and vow to clean tomorrow. I can leave dishes in the sink and my shoes by the door. You get the picture. Other days I think it'd be nice to have someone at home waiting for me to get home. It'd be lovely to have someone light the fire, because even though it's idiot-proof I still think I'm gonna blow up. Either way, the grass is always greener on the other side, right? And I'm weird about relationships; they tend to bring out the worst in me. Nonetheless, I'm finally putting my fabulous single self back out there--starting this week!!! I have my first REAL first date this week, and as exciting as that is, it's very, very scary. Guys aren't ranked very highly on my list these days. They're generally pretty awful. They lie and cheat. But I'm putting faith in the man upstairs that perhaps I just haven't found the right one. SOOOOO here's to taking that very terrifying first step towards finding a man that's not so awful and grotestque!! Wish me luck friends...

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